Twitter Questions Answered

Hello lovelies!

Today I am back with a Q&A because I feel like I have done one of these in ages and they are one of my favourite posts to both write and read. I also love hearing all your answers to the questions and finding out your opinions! I took to Twitter and asked you all for some questions which you would like to be answered and so here are all the answers!

  • Where do you see yourself in 5 years’ time? – So, in 5 years’ time I will be 24 years old so approaching my mid-twenties. In two years, I will be graduating (hopefully) with a degree in History.  I think short-term obviously not much is going to change. I am still going to be going to uni and working part-time at Nike. To be honest, I have no set career path of what I really want to do, but if everything was to work out perfectly I would be blogging and setting up my own business. I hope I will have travelled a lot and hopefully will have been lucky enough to experience lots of places and cultures. Depending on what happens with my career and finances, potentially have moved out of home and have my own place. I could even have been on a volunteer camp to help those less fortunate because that is something that I AM SUPER passionate about doing! To answer your question, I don’t know where I will be 5 years, probably nothing crazy will have happened, but I just hope that I am happy and healthy, doing what I love and still travelling and everyone I care for is doing great.
  • If you could have three guests over for dinner, either dead or alive, who would they be and why? – Richard III so I could find out about what happened to the ‘Princes in the Tower’ because as someone doing a History degree I would love to know the answer to that!! Jane Austen because she is one my favourite authors ever. Walt Disney because for one I love Disney and it just really confuses me that one person could have this ‘whole new world’ in their head and be this creative. It just baffles me in all honesty so I think he would be super interesting to talk to.
  • What is your life’s mission? – My life mission is definitely to be happy and successful. It is help those who need it the most and to love and care for people. I want to have travelled a tonne and experienced the world. To complete my life’s mission will be to sit down hopefully when I am old and to think I lived my life to the fullest and helped people and did what made me happy.
  • What are you thankful for? – I am thankful that I have the life that I do because I know I am super lucky to have everything that I do. I am thankful that I am healthy and able to enjoy life. I am thankful that I get to wake up every day to a lovely home, with an amazing family (even if we don’t get on sometimes – who does?) and not have to worry about food or water or any other essentials – I am so thankful for that. I am thankful for my family, friends and boyfriend. They all support me and love me unconditionally and are there for me when I need them and just always know how to cheer me up and make me laugh. I am thankful for all the holidays my parents took me on when I was younger and for all the places I get to travel to now. It is so special. I am thankful that I get spend Christmas and birthdays with all my favourite people have a lovely time. I am thankful for the experiences I have had (good and bad) and for the lessons that have gave me because they have made me into the person I am today. I am thankful for everyone who reads this blog and supports me on my other social media too, I really appreciate it! I am thankful that I get to have an education, because even though some days you hate it or you don’t want to go, it is so important and you are so lucky to have an education because not everyone can and some people would give anything to have one – I think that’s always so important to remember because honestly, I think I would be so lost if I couldn’t read or write! I am thankful for having the freedom to express myself and explore my own creativities and develop my own passions and of course thank you again to my parents for supporting them all!
  • How do you unwind after the day? – It depends on how much time I have. A pamper evening is always a good way to relax and de-stress and it also makes you feel incredible. A bubble bath again is always a good option to relax. I love going to the gym to release stress if I am not too tired. I don’t think you can beat putting on your pyjamas, having a cup of tea and watching your favourite programmes.
  • What’s your best tip/advice? – I have learnt some very important life lessons over my short life so far, and have great advice to pass on to others but I would say one the most important one and one which I think really needs to be enforced in this new age with social media, peer pressure and expectations from the society we live in today is that you must live your life for you and accept who you are. No one is the same and everyone has a different life ahead of them and will go on a different journey and that is completely fine. I think it is so important to have the courage to live the life that you want and not a life based on the expectations of others. If you live for someone else then you will never do anything you want and you will never be free and happy. You will always feel like you are letting them down or feel pressure to act a certain way or do certain things. Everyone is different and it take a very strong person to have the courage to accept that and embrace it and be proud of who they are – flaws and all. Live for yourself because I can guarantee when you are older and sat looking back through your life you would much rather be able to sit there and say, ‘I did this because I wanted’; or ‘I went here because I wanted to’ rather than having to explain your life through other people and what they wanted and expected from you.
  • What’s the worst place you have travelled to and why? – Ah this is so hard because I have loved every single trip I have been on – all for different reasons. Out of everywhere that I have been, I don’t think there is anywhere where I wouldn’t go back or disliked. I mean as always, have some bad experiences like food poisoning and injuries but I have honestly loved and enjoyed every single trip I have been on. I really don’t know. As a child, I loved my vacations to France camping, Florida to meet Mickey Mouse and Cornwall or Norfolk to be by the sea. I have such fond memories of them all and now that I have started travelling places by myself, I have still enjoyed them just as much. Let me know your least favourite vacation in the comments and why it was.
  • Why did you start blogging? – I started blogging because I wanted somewhere to properly document my life and I wanted to share my experiences/advice with others so I could help people. As humans, we all go through so many experiences and learn so much and I just feel it so important to help and share that information with people. I really care about helping people and I want to do that in whatever possible and I thought a blog was a good way to do and was also a great place to document my life at the same time.
  • What is your go to beauty product and why? – At the moment, it is the Clinique Take The Day Off Cleansing Milk. I just love this product and I am completely obsessed with it.
  • If you could travel anywhere, where would it be? – This is so hard because I want to go to so many places, there is seriously a tonne on my bucket list but right now it would probably be Bora Bora or the Maldives.
  • If you could only wear one makeup product what would it be? – A hard decision but either mascara or lip balm because I am fortunate enough that I have quite nice skin so don’t need that much coverage so mascara makes a huge difference to my face, but then without lip balm I would have the driest and the sorest lips ever. They would be horrible haha, so one of those!

So there are all the answers to those questions. I hope you have enjoyed this Q&A because I said I find it really enjoyable writing these kind of posts and answering all your questions. Please leave your answers to all the questions in the comments because I have a feeling some them would be really interesting especially the question about having dinner with three guests. Also, if you would like to be involved in my next Q&A, or would like to keep up-to-date with what I am doing, then please do follow me on my Twitter and Instagram because I am active on there all the time and would love to chat! I really hoped you enjoyed this and will see you very soon! Much love,

Lizzie X

Twitter: @Life_WithLizzie

Instagram: @libwalton_9




6 thoughts on “Twitter Questions Answered

  1. jessicatbeauty says:

    Ahhh what a lovely, insightful post! I don’t think I’m brave enough to do a Q&A yet – my Twitter account is so new that I doubt anyone would ask me anything 🙈 haha. This was a great post though, you have a really relatable and friendly writing voice x

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